Original PDF Textbook Punjab Textbook Board. These books are free to be downloaded in PDF for the students and the teachers. Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Boards is also called Punjab Textbook Board. It is abbreviated as PCTB (usually PTB) Its old name was PTB (Punjab textbook board.

PDF Books by Punjab textbook board

The books by Punjab Curriculum and Textbook board are given in pdf for class Nursery to class 12. I have given the table below where you can download the pdf books of that class by clicking the link.
These are free books of science, Urdu, English, Maths, Islamiat, Social Study or Muasharto Aloom, Pak Study or Mutalia Pakistan, Punjabi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer, Drawing, History, Geography, Civics, Education, Arabic, Agriculture, and many other books for all students and all classes.

PCTB books for all classes pdf download

You can download the following books in pdf on Zahid Notes. You can download the books for class 5, class 6, class 7, class 8, class 9, class 10, 1st year, and 2nd year. The books for the Nursery class and class 1 to class 5 are also available.
Below are the books to be chosen from.