Here are 10th class Islamiat notes in pdf. I am convinced that these are best ever notes for Islamiat for class 10. These notes are better than unique notes and kips Islamiat lazmi complete notes.

These notes are for 10th class Islamiat new book 2024. The notes have been distributed on various websites and social media groups.

10th class Islamiat Lazmi complete Notes PDF

10th class Islamiat Notes has the following components:

1. Chapter wise MCQs

2. Chapter wise short questions answers

3. Ahadees Translation and explanation

4. Long questions answers

All these notes are in pdf and a single pdf file has been created to serve you with all notes at single click.


These notes are for the federal board and all Punjab boards. so, any student in Punjab or federal board can download and read these notes. These are best, easy and updated notes.

10th class Islamiat notes for FBISE and Punjab Boards 2024

10th class islamiat compulsory notes are now available in Urdu. These notes have the following salient features:
  • easy
  • to the point
  • MCQ, Short Questions, and long Questions
  • Past papers
  • Paper pattern of Islamiat
  • Additional MCQs and Short questions
  • Guess paper 2021
Please note that Zahid Notes collect the notes from various sources. Some are made by myself but most are written by other subject specialists and expert teachers.
So, I do not claim any copyright or publishing rights to any Notes.